Jennifer Saint

Ariadnė (audioknyga)

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The princesses of Crete, Ariadne and Phaedra, daughters of the terrible king Minos, grow up in the magnificent palace of Knossos, decorated by the great master Daedalus. However, wherever they go, they are accompanied everywhere by the horrifying roars and thuds of hooves echoing from the underground Labyrinth. It is their brother the Minotaur, a bloodthirsty monster that claims a new victim every year.

When the Athenian prince Theseus comes to Crete to fight the monster, Ariadne falls in love with him and decides to help him kill the Minotaur. But because of this, she has to betray her family and her native Crete, and in a world ruled by hot-tempered Greek gods and where women are easy-handed pawns in the game of powerful men, such actions can be very expensive.

What fate will the goddesses of fate bring to the brave princess – eternal love and happiness or endless suffering?

Enchanting, intoxicating, engaging the listener, Jennifer Saint’s book “Ariadne” is a modern epic in which the forgotten women of Greek myths find themselves again in the vortex of history.

Jennifer Saint has had a lifelong fascination with ancient Greek mythology, which is why she chose to study classical philology at King’s College London. After her studies, she worked as an English language and literature teacher for thirteen years, instilling in her students a love of literature and developing their creative writing skills. Jennifer Saint’s debut novel Ariadne is a feminist retelling of the ancient Greek myth.

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Alma littera


Egidijus Zaikauskas



Gabrielė Tetenskaitė-Žvirgždė


12 val. 4 min.

ISBN Kodas